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Offa's Trans Wales

With King Alfred's Way and Bear Bones Bash routes ridden this year, I started to plan next year's adventures and there's few shorter/smaller/easier ones on the list, but the main event is what's turned out to be quite a monster.

It started as a plan to ride the new Traws Eryri, but I felt like I wanted something more challenging after the routes this year and I thought that as this was a 'proper published' route by Cycling UK it may prove a lot less tussock-y than the Bear Bones Bash and might be over all too quickly at 200km.

Somewhere among the various blog posts, videos and news articles I saw mention of the Trans Cambrian way and how close they start/finish/pass each other.

With the GPX files for the Traws Eryri and Trans Cambrian imported into RideWithGPS and the end of the Trans Cambrian linked up with the start of the Traws Eryri this was starting to look like a good route!

South East Wales was just calling out for some attention though, so I found and added on "Offa's Byke", a route on the Bearbones Bikepacking site, created as a bike legal alternative to the main Offa's Dyke path.

Behold, "Offa's Trans Wales". A 495km route with nearly 10,000m of elevation, that snakes its way up and across Wales.

What have I done.